Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rider Interview : Robby Kawwani

Robby known for his Impossible. He can do it regular, fakie, switch, nollie smoothly, and he can do it in any combos. he also made a tips 'n tricks video for Impossible, you can find it in this blog. Impossible is nothing.

Q : Hi Rob, please introduce yourself.. 
R : Hi, I am Robby Kawwani.. :)

Q : Since when and how did you get in touch with fingerboard?
R : Since I was in 4th grade, about 11 years ago (wow, it's been a long time.. hehehe), at first I also did skateboarding, but then I got accident, my right arm broken. So my parents didn't allow me to skating again. from that time I decide to play fingerboard.

Q : Your current setup?
R : FP Deck + FMD Foamtape + FP Tuned Trucks + Inward Wheels

Kickflip bs Tailslide

Q : Your achievement in fingerboard?
R : 1. Semifinal GoS "Finger for Fun" (Bandung, 2010)
     2. Semifinal Kickflip Challenge "Finger for Fun" (Bandung, 2010)
     3. 4th place Full Park Run "Finger for Fun" (Bandung, 2010)
     4. 7th place Street Advance "TKoF 2010" (Jakarta, 2010)
     5. 3th place Ramps "TKoF 2010" (Jakarta, 2010)
Alhamdulillah, even I never be a champion, the most important thing is I am happy, enjoy and exist.. hahaha..

Q : Your current sponsor?
R : Fingerplant, Scrabble Ramps, FMD Foamtape, Inward Wheels

Q : What's your favorite trick? and what trick is still a "mystery" for you?
R : my favorite tricks is Big Spin Heelflip!! I still in search for a combo "Impossible to Nose Manual to Nollie Impossible to Manual to Impossible out" yeah, so many "to", but I swear, for my entire life I just landed that trick for just one time only.. huh.. damnnnn...

5-0 to Impossible to Nosegrind

Q : Who is your favorite fingerboarder?
R : I still a big fans of the super smooth, Elias Assmuth. He has a strong character, I can only see the hand but I know if it's Elias plays.. woowwwww... 

Q : Thanx to..
R : Allah SWT, my family, my sponsor Fingerplant, Scrabble ramps, FMD foamtape, Inward Wheels (thanx for your faithfulness guys), Dee, Echie, Ami Love You (thanx for the entertainment, I can get laugh just to see Ami face.. hahaha..), FP riders, Roni.S.Bahri my buddy that always support me, Cianjur Fingerboards friends.. Keep Spirit, Keep Fingerboard.. and Think Fingerboard, Think FIngerplant... :)

1 comment:

  1. success my uncle Robby...!!! we suport U what all You'll gets...for all your dream...
